Krouvin camping | lava | sahti • Tel. +358 400 497 768 • info@krouvin.com • Kalhontie 459, 19630 Hartola • 61°27.86'N 25°54.54' • www.krouvin.com
Fancy a cup of anthropology?
Little did a humble crofter’s wife know hundreds of years ago what kind of role her sahti-beer would play in the eyes of the beer-enthusiasts all over the world! A lot of things are different now but there has been no reason to meddle with the art of sahti-making.
“If the author Michael Jackson drinks sahti at his 60th birthday party in Washington, there has to be something unique in this ethnic-traditional drink”, says beer writer Unto Tikkanen in his book “Viinin ja oluiden lähteillä” (The origins of wine and beer).
In an interview published by the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat Michael Jackson continues: “The taste of sahti is incredibly versatile and palatable. Furthermore, in my opinion sahti is the missing link between Mesopotamia and modern times when it comes to sahti-making. In a way sahti is a glass of anthropology”, meaning that sahti is the most original of all beers.
Those were the thoughts of the late Michael Jackson, the most appreciated beer connoisseur, who placed his favourite drink sahti on the map. Sahti was later granted the Traditional specialities guaranteed (TSG)-label by the European Union.
The actual heart of Krouvi is the brewery – a source of pride for all of us. The brewer-proprietor aimed not merely for excellence but for a perfect sahti. The extremely precise and accurate process of sahti-making guarantees its good taste. Fulfilling this noble aim means a drinking experience like no other, the irresistible quality of unfiltered top-fermented beer. Traditions are being cherished every step of the way and the undeniable character is generated through old craftsmanship, under the watchful eye of the Brewery Master.
The full-bodied sahti is served at our restaurant but it is also available in the form of wort (vierre) to be fermented and drunk at home. Fermenting is not rocket science and our staff are happy to instruct you.
Our sahti is made with love!
Basic information on sahti:
Reddish brown, cloudy, fresh and malty, slightly caramelized
Wort gravity 23.5%
Alcohol content 9.5 ABV, pH 4.5
Krouvin maanmainiota Sahtia saatavilla
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